If you’re questioning whether your Milwaukee home has poor indoor air quality (IAQ), it likely does.

We are indoors a lot. In reality, we’re indoors up to 90% of the time, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. And the air inside homes could be 2–5 times worse than outdoors, which might create long-term health problems.

Most Common Causes of Bad IAQ

We’ve compiled a list of the most ordinary origins of bad IAQ, the problems they create and how you can remedy these indoor air pollutants. If you’re concerned about the air inside your home, we suggest chatting with a expert like Done Right Air about which solutions are ideal for your family.

Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are fumes released by regular household items.

They’re found in paint and stains along with:

  • Furniture
  • Carpet
  • Building materials
  • Cleaning products
  • Cosmetics
  • Air fresheners
  • Candles

When these vapors accumulate inside, they can irritate your eyes, nose and throat. They might also cause headaches and nausea. Regardless of whether your home is in a rural or industrial space, an EPA study found indoor levels of these chemicals can be 2–5 times higher than the air outdoors.

Always use the manufacturer’s directions when applying paint or spraying cleaning products. Cracking a window can help vapors disperse faster.

Air purification systems can also make it better. This system partners with your heating and cooling unit to enhance indoor air. When seeking a model, ensure it’s specifically created to eliminate VOCs.

Dust and Pet Dander

Dust and pet dander can aggravate health problems like asthma and allergies, especially when it continuously gets moved by your house’s comfort unit. While you can vacuum more routinely and install an improved air filter, an air filtration system could be a better solution.

This equipment hooks to your HVAC equipment to deliver strong filtration. Some models have hospital-level filtration for removing particles and bioaerosols.

Lasting Odors

Modern houses are securely sealed to boost energy efficiency. While this is good for your heating and cooling bill, it’s not very good for your IAQ.

Stuffy odors can stick around for a greater amount of time since your house is pulling in a smaller amount of fresh air. Since keeping your windows open all year-round isn’t an option, here are two ways you can make your indoor air smell cleaner.

An air purification system is placed in your ducts to wipe out odors before they are redistributed. Search for one with a carbon filter and the power to wipe out dangerous VOCs. This equipment can also help keep your family healthy by wiping out most bacteria and normal allergy triggers like pollen and mold spores.

A ventilation system pulls out musty indoor air and substitutes it with crisp outdoor air. There are two models of systems (heat recovery and energy recovery), so ask our professionals for more information on which kind is best for your residence.

Uneven Humidity

It’s important your house’s humidity keeps even. Air that has too much moisture can cause mold, while dry air can cause respiratory concerns.

Our pros suggest 40–50% for the best comfort. To keep yours in balance, consider getting a whole-home humidifier or whole-home dehumidifier with your comfort system.

In place of having to lug a humidifier from room to room, this equipment delivers even humidity across your house.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is colorless gas you can’t smell. It’s caused by insufficient combustion in fuel-burning units, like gas heating systems, water heaters or fireplaces.

It creates a serious health risk. In small levels, it can lead to flu-like ailments like headaches and nausea. It could be fatal in big amounts.

We recommend regular furnace maintenance to make sure your equipment is working properly. This job allows our pros to find issues before they start, including malfunctions that can create carbon monoxide leaks.

The best method to keep your home free of carbon monoxide is to get detectors. These alarms should be on every floor by bedrooms and living areas.

Improve Your Residence’s Air Quality with the Done Right Air Specialists

Informed that your home has bad air quality but not sure how to improve it? Or unsure which product is right for you? Give our approachable HVAC experts a call at 414-207-4034 or contact us online now. With free estimates and expert service, we’ll help you find the ideal solution for your home and budget.